Search results for References by goossens, b.
Goossens, B.; Salgado-Lynna, M.; Rovie-Ryan, J.J.; Ahmad, A.H.; Payne, J.; Zainuddin, Z.Z.; Nathana, S.K.S.S.; Ambu, L.N., 2013. Genetics and the last stand of the Sumatran rhinoceros Dicerorhinus sumatrensis. Oryx 47 (3): 340-344


Goossens, B.; Ambu, L.N., 2012. Sabah Wildlife Department and 10 years of research: Towards a better conservation of Sabah's wildlife. Journal of Oil Palm &The Environment 3: 38-51


Muya, S.; Bruford, M.W.; Muigai, A.W.T.; Osiemo, Z.B.; Mwachiro, E.; Okita-Ouma, B.; Goossens, B., 2011. Substantial molecular variation and low genetic structure in Kenya’s black rhinoceros: implications for conservation. Conservation Genetics 12 (6): 1575-1588


Garnier, J.N.; Bruford, M.W.; Goossens, B., 2001. Mating system and reproductive skew in the black rhinoceros. Molecular Ecology 10 (8): 2031-2041, tables 1-3
